Sunday, August 28, 2011

An Obstacle Course

On Friday night I went to the Wild Horse and Burro Expo here in West Jordan. They had an Extreme Trail Challenge, which is basically an obstacle course for the gentled horses.
Horses have such unique personalities and each team approached the course in a unique way. Some horses seemed to ignore the obstacles, some walked or ran away, many tried to go around the obstacles. Some seemed to pay no attention
to the rider and just do whatever they pleased. As I watched, I thought of how each of us handles life's obstacle course.

Here are some of the things I learned from the horses and their riders:
1. Keep your focus on the goal, not the obstacles. Don't spend too much time analyzing or stewing over a particular challenge.
2. Trust your Master.
3. Keep moving forward. Cross over the river. Don't just sip the water.
4. Looks aren't everything. That golden Palomino was pretty to look at but not too impressive on the course.
5. Have fun! The youngest pair just trotted on through the course. They didn't succeed with every obstacle, but they didn't let failure slow them down. Youth might be an advantage because we have fewer fears and reservations and trust more easily.
6. Each success builds our confidence and faith and helps prepare us for the next challenge.

The Naming of Henry and Hollis

  Throughout my pregnancy we chose and changed names many times- including Levi, Nathan, Holden, Harvey, Easton, and Weston. We finally...