Sunday, November 7, 2010


For my thirty-fourth birthday I am starting a blog. Thanks to Palmyra for encouraging me to do it even though I told her that I didn't need to until I got married and started having kids. ;)
I like lists, movie lists, book lists, wish lists... So, I thought that for my first entry, I would do a list- of 34 things. The first 20 come from the Recapturing Beauty 10 Challenge organized by BYU Women's Services last month. One of the challenges was to list 10 things you like about yourself that have nothing to do with the physical, and 10 things that you like about your body.

So, here it is.
1. I like that I surround myself with great people. I have amazing friends and have dated really good guys. If birds of a feather flock together- then I must be pretty great.
2. I am a very good cook. I like that I make yummy health food and that I enjoy healthy foods.
3. I am smart.
4. I am a hugger. I like that I love peole and love to show it by listening and hugging.
5. I like that I am kind, don't get offended easily, and am usually pretty quick to forgive.
6. I have fun ideas, and I like that I can get people together for fun times.
7. I like that I enjoy singing in the shower, and I have a pretty good voice. Or at least, I enjoy using it, and that is what counts. :)
8. I always want to do good and generally make good choices.
9. I have always been responsible and good at caring for people.
10. I like that I am adventurous.


1. I have a cute smile.
2. I like the shape and fulness of my lips.
3. I have a cute Thompson bum.
4. I am fit and can run and dance.
5. My eyes are a pretty color.
6. I like that I am petite.
7. I tan well.
8. I have great calves.
9. Cute haircuts.
10. Nice arms.

and to finish it off...
14 things I am grateful for:
1. A strong, loving family.
2. Supportive friends.
3. A testimony of the gospel.
4. The gift and guidance of the Spirit.
5. Health
6. Mountains glowing pink.
7. Beautiful skyscapes- sunbeams, sunsets, sunrises, and cloud displays.
8. Music that inspires, uplifts, energizes, or calms the soul.
9. The scriptures, living prophets, and general conference.
10. Gardens with beautiful flowers, or delicious and colorful vegetables.
11. Temples
12. Animals- especially horses, and elephants, and bunny rabbits, and cute little puppies, and those great therapy animals that are so well-behaved and help people feel better.
13. Good books
14. America- our inspired constitution, and the freedom we enjoy -thanks to those who are willing to defend it.

The Naming of Henry and Hollis

  Throughout my pregnancy we chose and changed names many times- including Levi, Nathan, Holden, Harvey, Easton, and Weston. We finally...